Glass Borders
The Glass Borders ensures a 100% coverage of visitors of the mall. It is a very creative way to advertise your product.

The Glass Borders GF.6 GF.7 F2.1 and F3.9 are located in the 3 floors including the access to Carrefour and to the Food Court.

The Glass Borders Bank and Services, P1.1 and P2.1, target all visitors entering City Mall through the car park either from P1 which is the Bank and Services Level or from P2 that leads to P1. They deliver a high impact.

The external and internal parts of the Glass Borders are covered by a vinyl sticker.

Size - (Total Width x Height)
41.8 m x 0.9 m = 37.62 m2
Size - (Total Width x Height)
20.1 m x 0.9 m = 18.09 m2
Size - (Total Width x Height)
63.79 m x 0.91 m = 38.01 m2
Size - (Total Width x Height)
63.09 m x 0.75 m = 44.3 m2
Size - (Total Width x Height)
45.1 m x 0.95 m = 42.8 m2
Size - (Total Width x Height)
30.6 m x 0.97 m = 29.7 m2