Pikasso joins #OurSecondChance Biggest Worldwide DOOH Campaign to date
01 September 2020
#OurSecondChance is the biggest worldwide DOOH campaign to date developed by the World Out-of-Home Organization (WOO previously FEPE) and created by New Commercial Arts agency with the cooperation of Grand Visual.

#OurSecondChance campaign, which was launched this month, is rapidly achieving global coverage, as more than 188 OOH media companies and National Trade Associations in 52 countries signed up to support what will be the largest worldwide Digital OOH campaign.

Pikasso joined this global initiative diffused and displayed in Amman as well as in the other 9 countries all the visuals on their DOOH inventory were present in addition to prime Classic Roadside Rooftops and Unipoles.

As WOO President Tom Goddard says “Our Second Chance reflects the new Post Covid world, in a non-partisan way and highlights the opportunity it gives citizens across the world, to consider their priorities and aspirations”.

Rania Daniel Kildani, General Manager of Pikasso Jordan, said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching consequences beyond the spread of the disease itself. Yet, I believe our stay safe lifestyle developed habits reflecting the possibility of living a better new normal”
She added: “Pikasso Jordan plays a major role as a leading OOH company to share #OurSecondChancecampaign in spreading hope to the local community".

"This campaign displayed on our Digital screens in Amman, offers a series of messages communicating people’s opportunity to better health, better connectivity, better relationships, better ingenuity & better accountability. This global communication was only possible throughout the usage of exemplary images allowing our audience to reflect.”